UNC Charlotte Center City gallery to display ‘ICARUS’

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The College of Arts + Architecture will open the exhibit “ICARUS: An Exploration of the Human Urge to Fly” Saturday, Oct. 18, at the Projective Eye Gallery in UNC Charlotte Center City.

“ICARUS” is an imaginative and kaleidoscopic vision of physical flight and the deeper psychological implications of ascension and descent. It combines existing work by internationally known artists, such as Damien Hirst and Kahn and Selesnick, with new commissioned pieces by outstanding regional artists that include a complex myriad of images and creative forms. Recent aerial video of Charlotte skyscrapers, juxtaposed with historic 16mm film footage of the Wright Brothers’ early attempts at flight; photographs of elaborately staged fictional scenes; whimsical metal and ceramic sculptures; motion-sensing kinetic installations; a painted mural; and poetic and performance pieces; are among the 35 works in the exhibition.

An opening reception will be from 6 to 8 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 18. DeAngelo Dia will perform spoken word; artist and designer Jennifer Fadel will model her avian costume creation; and performance artist Jennifer Marie Wallace will confront the audience with an endurance performance embodying attempts at ascension and grounding balance.

The exhibition will be displayed through Tuesday, Dec. 23.