Student Union installs charging stations for mobile devices

Monday, March 31, 2014

The Student Union recently installed two charging stations to assist students, faculty and staff to recharge electronic devices.

The stations, located in Norm’s and the Student Government Organizations Complex, were a response to national trends at other institutions and due to the popularity and growing dependency on mobile devices.

“The idea originated from the Association of College Unions International (ACUI). We saw it was trend among other campuses in which students could enjoy the charging service and flexibility,” said Neal Miller, associate director of operations in the Student Union. “This seemed like a practical solution for students whose battery-powered devices die and are stuck on campus without a charger.”

Built in-house by Student Union maintenance technicians, the charging stations are equipped to meet the needs of popular electronics brands: Apple, Android, HTC, Windows and other major devices. Each station can charge eight devices at once.

The charging stations are the Student Union’s most recent additions aimed at making life easier for students by improving service, such as the addition of a bike repair station and Niner Tech’s repair service, said student affairs officials.

Charging station users should stay with their devices; the Student Union will not be responsible for any lost or stolen items.