The Leadership Experience, Day of Convocation topics of back-to-back 'Live Wire' segments

Live Wire
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Gail Keene, financial and administrative operations manager in research and economic development; Celina Oliver, senior assistant director of financial aid; Zach Rutledge, associate director of events and programming for student activity center and venue management; and Kathy Hurst, learning and development specialist in human resources, will be the guests on the April 23 edition of “The Live Wire,” Inside UNC Charlotte’s streaming webcast at 2 PM. They will discuss The Leadership Experience, a program that allows participants to develop personal strategies for leadership success, network with peers, share best practices, interact with university leaders and participate in a 360-degree assessment of their leadership strengths and opportunities.

Immediately following, Kim Buch, professor of psychology, and Steven Serio, former student body president, will be the guests on a second episode of “The Live Wire”.  They will be discussing The Day of Convocation, coming up on August 24, 2015.