Meet Sasha Sembur

Categories: Students Tags: For Students

Sasha Sembur, a sophomore in the Honors College, is studying communication studies and political science with a minor in American studies. In her time on campus, she won the best resolution award in the North Carolina Student Legislature and created a nonpartisan news organization, which achieved first place through Ventureprise. Among her achievements, she brought a new campus initiative to life through the combined efforts of the Student Government Association and the Parking and Transportation Services Office.

What information would you like to share regarding your new initiative?

During winter break, students could utilize free transportation to the Charlotte airport and Amtrak station. There was limited space, which is why reservations were required, but it was incredibly accessible with bus stops across campus. PaTS coordinated the drivers to leave throughout the day to accommodate the different itineraries of traveling students. This shuttle service was meant to ease the burden of travel plans and cater to the demands of the student body!

What clubs or activities are you involved in at UNC Charlotte?

My new initiative was developed under my position as business affairs secretary within the executive branch in SGA. I am a participant in mock trial, Niner guides, leadership journey learning community, 49er Foundry, Ventureprise and the North Carolina Student Legislature.

What do you love about UNC Charlotte?

Everything! Previously to my enrollment, I was introverted and unsure of my path. This diverse community is open, and everyone has a place to fit in to discover their ambitions, which has been incredibly beneficial. Campus is incredibly welcoming across the eclectic mix of interest groups between faculty and staff. The encouraging environment has truly elicited the best of me.

Where is your favorite place to eat on campus, and what do you get?

Shakesmart is where all my declining balance is spent. I almost always buy the blended PB&A acai bowls. Thursday is my designated day, and it’s a part of my routine I always look forward to.

What advice do you have for new students?

If you find something remotely captivating, pursue it! Don’t be afraid to explore, as I believe putting yourself out there will always be rewarding. This community will provide motivation for your growth and the support system to help you flourish.