Special Issue of Niner Insider: Happy Valentine’s Day!

Categories: Niner Insider

Editor’s note: Happy Valentine’s Day! Enjoy this special issue of Niner Insider with sweet stories and resources to help you take care of yourself.

Sweet Couples on campus

Ngoc Le and Jules Keith-Le

Jules Keith-Le and Ngoc Le met 27 years ago working together at a local health food store. Now they work together again at Charlotte!

Cameron and Rachel George

Cameron and Rachel George’s campus roles allow them to work collaboratively on athletic and alumni initiatives.

What do you love about Charlotte?

Green Heart

We asked students to share what they love most about their Charlotte experiences, and their answers did not disappoint.

how charlotte can help you tale care of yourself

Valentine's Day graphic

Whether it’s treating yourself, embracing fitness, learning about nutrition or improving your mental health, UNC Charlotte has you covered.

Today’s special events


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