Meet Annabeth Jones

Categories: Students Tags: For Students

Annabeth Jones is a sophomore Levine Scholar majoring in political science and philosophy with a minor in legal studies. Her passions on campus range from advocating for civic engagement to supporting students interested in entering the field of law as president of the Pre-Law Society.

Why did you choose UNC Charlotte?

I loved the school. I toured it twice before accepting and both times I was won over by the culture of UNC Charlotte. Everyone is friendly and nice. Faculty, staff and students all around campus are genuinely looking to help each other out!

Where are your favorite places on UNC Charlotte’s campus?

Without hesitation I would say the Botanical Gardens. Whether it’s walking around and appreciating the well-maintained flowers or reading, my experience there is always peaceful. Being surrounded by trees and nature in general re-energizes me. If I had to select another spot, it would be the greenway biking and running trails for similar reasons. It’s also very accessible to students who want to take a break from study and exercise.

What is the most rewarding part of your position?

The following three reasons are why I find being president of the Pre-Law Society incredibly rewarding.

Having the privilege to host panels of UNC Charlotte alumni, consistently connecting to alumni or the local community. I love having guest speakers share their wisdom about their journey through law school and how they navigated their career path.

I enjoy being a resource for students throughout the entire process of considering and applying to law school.

The Pre-Law Society was founded in 1985, and it’s personally fulfilling to be part of the growth, development and networking among similarly minded students working toward uplifting each other.

Where is your favorite place to eat on campus, and what is your order?

Panda Express has a new plant-based orange chicken bowl. This is perfect for me since I am a vegetarian. Now, they can accommodate me and other students, which I am very grateful for!

What advice do you have for new students?

Do things that you’re truly passionate about, and the rest will fall into place. Everyone considers what they should be doing for their resume or major, which is great but limits you from the expansive opportunities here at Charlotte. You will always do better following organizations and disciplines that align with your interests. Stay open-minded, and you will have the best time here.