Kinesiology experts debate the benefits of standing desks

Monday, April 24, 2017

Ernest Hemingway, Charles Dickens, Winston Churchill, Virginia Woolf, Vladimir Nabokov, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin — what do these highly successful figures have in common? They all used standing desks.

Active workstations have become a trend in offices to combat sedentary workplace routines. Periods of sitting or reclining for 30 continuous minutes is widely accepted as an independent risk factor for weight gain, obesity, metabolic disease, diabetes, some cancers and premature mortality.

Kinesiology lecturer Juliana Marino and Adam Lavis, a clinical exercise physiologist who runs UNC Charlotte’s kinesiology labs, collaborated to provide expert insight into the standing desk conversation.

Can you discuss the current studies about standing desks, and whether they are significant enough to provide any health benefits?

The literature supports an increase in energy expenditure associated with the use of sit-stand desks but perhaps not to the extent at which the claims suggest. The increase in caloric expenditure associated with standing is modest, and it not likely to contribute to weight loss, though it may help prevent weight gain.

The current recommendation is that people with sedentary jobs to strive to accumulate two to four hours per day of standing to light activity during work hours. To achieve that, people should break up extended period of seated work with standing and walking. This can be done through use of sit-stand desks or “active” breaks.

Does standing, for even brief periods every hour, trigger an increase in metabolism?

The total increase in caloric expenditure going from sitting to standing is modest at best. For example, if a 150-pound man expended 60 calories during 60 minutes of seated work, he might expend just an additional six to eight calories during that hour if he were standing. Standing requires that we engage our postural muscles but is not likely to improve muscular fitness.

What is the correct way to utilize a standing desk?

The correct way to use a standing desk is to incorporate bouts of standing for at least five minutes every half hour. An incorrect way to use this desk is to stand statically (without movement) for prolonged periods of time. It is best to shift weight from foot to foot so as to initiate some muscle contraction and prevent blood pooling in your lower extremities.

Can you talk more about the toughening up that comes with acclimating to the standing desk (working through foot, leg, knee and back pain?)

People should not experience musculoskeletal pain when working at a sit-stand desk. If someone does not have a previous orthopedic injury, but experiences pain, an evaluation of post and movement may be warranted. Fatigue would be a normal part of the adaptation process and should be alleviated with periods of rest or posture change.

Is there a need for further equipment, like adjustable chairs and generously padded mats?

No further equipment is necessary.

Individuals need to consider footwear that is comfortable, supportive and helps to maintain their balance. For example, prolonged standing in high heel shoes may cause musculoskeletal pain. One may need to consider proper height of monitor and keyboard. Perhaps consulting an ergonomist is wise; standing for extended time with bad posture is problematic so a consultation with an ergonomist to assess proper height of the standing desk may be effective.

Do you think a standing desk is a better alternative than other interventions?

No. We encourage movement of any kind throughout the day; for example, walking meetings, taking a walking break, standing during phone calls, exercising during lunch hour, taking the stairs and parking farther away.

If the budget allows, the use of wearable technology like a Fitbit may be an incentive to move more.

The absence of a sit-stand desk should not be seen as a barrier to physical activity. Such a device may be cost-prohibitive; some models are priced upward of $400. Other options, like walking to the drinking fountain, are free.

Can a standing desk make you “healthier” or is it an overall active change in healthy behavior that standing desks might be associated with?

We know that behavior change is very complex. It is unclear whether the use of a standing desk could impact lifestyle modification or health behaviors. What is known is the standing desk is a symbol for a more active lifestyle. The sit-stand desk offers a solution in a setting where we accumulate many of our sedentary waking hours. We don’t yet know if the desk would cause someone to be more active outside of work. Some suggest that use of a sit-stand desk may cause compensatory behaviors outside of the workplace, including more sedentary time at home.


Photo: Rob Godshaw